Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

I teach a kid called Tiger. You might raise your eyebrows and say "Thats unfortunate name.. " but then you meet his older sister, whose name is Sugar.

Before I met Tiger I had heard all about him, in fact he was the talk of the school. Its unusual for a British school to accept an older student with zero english, but by accepting Tiger's family (allegedly due to high social standing) we ended up with 4 non-english speakers. Due to the age restriction in the lower school, I teach only Tiger and his younger sister Anna (she got off easy).

I try not to judge a pupil on past teachers reports. Children are just as susceptible to personality clashes as adults are, they have their bad days as we do, bad years even. Also, changes in circumstance, self-image, homelife or relations within the school can alter the child's behaviour and academic performance. While what a previous teacher says can indeed be spot on and much can be gleaned from it, it can also be as helpful as talking to your current partners ex, and so needs to be treated with caution.

Past teachers reported that Tiger was "hostile" to speaking english, that his motivation for speaking english was zero and that after a year of everyday one-on-one withdrawal support from an Ivy League trained EAL teacher last year, he still speaks no english. He is back with the same class teacher he had last year and in the first week she excitedly entered the staff room to tell us that he had said "Hello teacher" to her that morning, she was thrilled that he had voluntarily spoken to her! Her enthusiasm at this simple phrase worried me, before I came to China I could have managed the same in Mandarin, was this really all he was capable of? But I was detirmined to not judge him until I saw him for myself. When I finally met him I was surprised to see a big, ambling boy (Balloo would have been a more appropriate name), shy and self-conscious he barely spoke or looked at me and was not at all what I had been expecting. In his testing however he scored according to past teachers expectation.

When I started at my new school, I began to pray for the students, especially the students I deal with day to day. Everyday I pray for Tiger, both about his life and his english capability. My God is a linguistic God. When the disciples first started preaching at the beginning of Acts, each man heard it in their own language. Language is never a barrier with our God- who could be a better teacher than the Holy Spirit.

For Tiger, the result of him not being able to speak english, is that he is not able to access the curriculum in any area. He is missing out on vital academic years. But yesterday I saw the breakthrough of prayer, and the very real value and reward of inviting God into every part of our lives. During our lesson I used some visual aids with Tiger to address new vocabulary. He was highly motivated by the visual and kinesthetic aspects of the lesson. We went through many new words and he was more engaged than I had ever seen him and things seemed to be clicking. I shared my encouragement with his teacher later, and she replied that the previous teacher had tried many things but nothing ever stuck, she told me to test him the next day to see if he would remember.

Today I tested him on the new vocabulary, he eagerly and without hesitation responded correctly to each one. Not only that but he was able to spell almost every new word. This is the child that couldn't spell j-a-m (by using single sound phonics - a KG technique) 3 weeks ago now able to spell church, chin, chicken, cherry etc. This is not my work, this is the Lord's mercy and outpouring, this is a direct response to a very simple prayer.

As people, made in the image of God our words (like His words - in Genesis) have creative power. Jesus said "I give you the keys to the kingdom". Power and responsibility have been given to God's people. Cursing and blessing lies in our hands. With the power to bless we can channel heaven's glory into the lives of those around us. God doesn't need us to complete His work, but because He wants us to grow in our hearts and spirits, and to walk in relationship with Him, He allows us to be an instrument in His hands to reveal Himself on earth.
Much like the potter and clay, a clay pot can do nothing much if it leaves the hands of the potter and attempts to do its own thing. But an clay instrument in the hands of the potter will do many things, according to the purpose the potter made it for. We as Christians have the ability to bless those around us, the taxi driver, the woman on bike driving past, the shop assistant, we have the power to speak blessing into their lives. More than that, those who are not strangers to us, those whose weakness and areas of need are very clear us, we have the power to speak blessing into those area of our friends, co-workers and even enemies lives. We have the power to pour out the God the glory and to make Him known on this earth.

Unlike the god of the prophets of Baal, our God never sleeps, he is never on vacation or at the bathroom (1Kings18). No, our God is eagerly listening for your heart's cry and the words of your mouth, because our God is a God that speaks blessing over His enemies and He wants His children to bear His image, He wants His children to have that heart of love and compassion and to become more and more like our Daddy. Jesus said "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. (Matthew 5:44)
If we love our enemies, how much more should we love those all around us, those who are our friends, co-workers and family. Many of whom may be living in darkness. But darkness only makes the light seem brighter, so shine and release His light and blessing into their lives.

Daddy, Transform our hearts and minds - and make us more like You that you may be known and glorified and that unbelievers would turn from their unbelief and seek to know You. I pray that through your children those who don't know you would receive your love and blessing and that by your Spirit's work their hearts would be drawn to seek more of You. That we might be a taster, to whet their appetite towards You. That in beholding the grace, love and blessing that flows from your children, many would run with desire to meet our King. Jesus, you never had to promote yourself, the crowds ran to follow you, may your character be so reflected in us that people in our circles become captivated by you. For you are worthy of worship Lord, In your name Jesus, Amen