About a month ago I had a "God" dream. For me its not hard to know when my dreams are from God. I only recall having dreams if there is something spiritual going on there.
This particular dream was set in Ireland, where I was at the time. In the dream I was standing on one of those idyllic rolling green hills looking over the field. On the horizon I saw tornadoes coming, there was about 5 or 6 of them. As they swirled closer and closer to me, I remember thinking, "There are no tornadoes in Ireland, what on earth is going on?" I knew I was in grave danger but instead of running, I fell flat down on the ground and held onto the grass. Then I remember thinking, "Lord if I live or if I die I know that you are in control and that is enough for me."
A tornado is unpredictable, destructive and frightening and I believe its no coincidence that since that dream, in the last month, my life has been thrown into upheaval and there have been a few experiences both personally and professionally that have left me disorientated, stressed, afraid, completely helpless and anxious. Phil 4 tells us "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything offer prayer and supplication to God", but this easier said than done no doubt. Especially when the experiences that rage around you are completely out of your control. There is no escape and no other option but to sit tight and let it pass. People of all walks of life and of all faiths will face situations like this over their life span. But what makes those who walk with God different? What is our comfort?
What has gotten me through this time of testing my faith is ultimately God's grace. In the midst of these things beyond my control, there was a sense of His sovereignty in other unrelated things that also could have caused me trouble. I've seen His provision, His taking care of things for me so that I was not overcome or overwhelmed. His gentle persistance in talking to me, leading me to pray and worship and being in my life in a personal daily way - like a good "dad" that He is, allowed me to trust Him when the tornadoes came. He hasn't sent me into this storm and expected blind faith, instead He is right here with me, just as Jesus was with Peter when they were walking on the water. His presence has brought me the security that "this too will pass", that He knows exactly what He's doing, exactly where we are going and exactly what will happen next. By trusting in His past faithfulness and the goodness of His character I am able to take His hand and call on Him through prayer for help in times when I feel fearful.
A big part of faith comes from knowing that He is good, that His personality and love are flawless and that He is so much bigger than my mistakes and weaknesses. By remembering who He has been to me in the past and who He is reflected by His word, I have been able to heartify the lesson I already had learned in my dream; If God is for me... it doesn't really matter what is happening, I know that He has got it. If I live or die I am with Him, and its good.
As I've been thinking about this, I thank the Lord that I've been given parents that have always acted in a way that was for my best interest. Sadly I have many friends who didn't have this privledge. But for me, if my parents acted in a way that seemed to be to my detriment or that I was loosing out on something, I always realised afterwards that it was for my good that they had done this. A classic example is a toddler playing with a knife - you take it off them, not to deprive them but to love them and to protect them. Being able to trust my parents in this way was such a beautiful thing and even more so now because it has helped me to view God in this way too. When I'm in the eye of the storm, and events and people rage around me, I look up to the one who is at perfect peace in all circumstance because He is Lord over all things, He is Sovereign. But it is not His bigness that allows me to trust Him, its not His power - but its His goodness. I know that as big as He is, He sees me.
He sees me.He sees His little girl and in all thing He has my best interest at heart. He wants for me, the best and most whole life that I can have. His plans for me are much greater than anything I could put together, and He know exactly how to get there.
Sometimes thats means He will give - until the cup overflows and the storehouse can hold no more. Sometimes He will take away, even something that is most precious to us because it has become an idol. Sometimes He will lead us in to the valley of the spirit of death.. and sometimes by His spirit He will lead us into the wilderness to be tested (Luke 4:1-12). But we can be sure that He will also lead us by still waters to rest (Psalm 23).
The question is not "why did you lead me here Lord", the question is "what do you want me to learn, how through this experience will I become more like You? Closer to You and how am I going to grow in this season". This time on earth, is a time to learn to know Him, to know His beautiful character. It is a matter of growth, we don't have to wait until Heaven to experience the love and glory of God in our everyday lives. These times of good and bad experiences are a chance to grow and to put those roots down deep into the soil of His love. (Eph 3). When you have to trust God, you get to see how much He loves you and how worthy He is of your trust.
"I will fear no evil, for my God is with me... and if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear, whom then shall I fear??"
There is a beautiful poem that I want to share...
The Weaver
My life is but a weaving
Between my Lord and me,
I cannot choose the colors
He worketh steadily.
Oftimes He weaveth sorrow,
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper
And I, the underside.
Not till the loom in silent
And the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skillful hand
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern He has planned.
Rom 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.