Jonah ~ beloved of the Lord
Jonah privledged one
Jonah one who speaks with God
Jonah oh Jonah why do you run?
Jonah why do you doubt?
Jonah will you seek to be the one to counsel God?
Jonah seeing the mountain heads the other way
Jonah runs with human perception
holding the hand of logic
Jonah knows better than God
Jonah oh Jonah why do you run?
Jonah why do you doubt?
Jonah have you forgotten I am with you?
Jonah after the strorm,
swirling in the waves of confusion
Jonah remembers that the Lord
delights in mercy
Jonah cries out "daddy!"
Jonah oh Jonah why do you run?
Jonah why do you doubt?
Jonah, I have weighed the earth in scales
no mountain could ever be too great
Jonah, I am.
Jonah, oh Jonah run, yes run!
Run to these arms that long to hold you
Run to this heart that adores you
Run in faith to me.
date: 9th Dec 08
(Isaiah 40:12
"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?"
Isaiah 64:2
"I opened my arms to my own people all day long, but they have rebelled"
Micah 6:8
"He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God." )
Although Jonah was the main inspiration of my poem, I am also writing from experience. As Ginny Owens once put it.. "when did I stop asking for your wisdom, as if your words were meant for someone else." There have been significant times, where I have had a clear word from the Lord, but in my earthly logic/wisdom I argue with God in my heart, questioning why? Of course, He is all knowing and I am limited, and always right. But it has struck me that really by questioning I am distrusting that He is good on what He says (as Eve did in the garden when she believe that God was holding out on her), by questioning I am making God limited, making Him as a man. But He is not a man, He is God. If we stay within the boundaries of what we can do, budget-wise, logic-wise, ministry wise we will never see the glory of God on earth. We need to step into the realm of "Lord, if you don't show up - we're screwed." The realm that requires God to be God. To expect OT style miracles in our lives, to expect God to move and God to Speak. If we want a life ruined for the ordinary then we need to start looking for God in the ordinary and when He shows up the simplest thing can become an extraordinary time for testimony.