Your Love is everlasting
cleanses me from sin
Your Love is so beautiful
Purifies me from within
You are Yaweh - Mighty God
yet delight in the details small.
You are Jehovah - Emmanuel
Upheld, when I stumble I will never fall.
Why do You care for my brokeness?
Mighty Father, God of all~
Why does Your heart long for me?
How is it You hear a voice so small?
Robed in my Saviours Righteous blood
I enter Your courts with a song.
Assured of Your welcome my Mighty King,
as though I've done no wrong.
Worthy, my Jesus, beautiful one,
Saviour won't you draw near?
Saviour, my Jesus, perfect love,
humble King, Mighty Warrior.
Date: 7th Dec 08
(Ephesians 3:12
"because of Christ and our faith in him, we can now come fearlessly into God's presence, assured of His glad welcome")